Art Shows
Sue Lyman and Gail Guirreri, Paintings and Sculptures: 2017-09-01 - 2017-09-30
Thanksgiving Sunrise at Hill School by Sue Lyman
oil on canvas - $850.00
Hill School Elm by Sue Lyman
oil on canvas - $450.00
Simbalu Study I by Sue Lyman
bronze on bronze - $2,995.00
Elaine's Path by Sue Lyman
acrylic on canvas - $550.00
Fortune Mountain Sunset I by Sue Lyman
oil on canvas - $150.00
Seventeen Acres by Sue Lyman
oil on canvas - $195.00
Sunrise at Hill by Sue Lyman
oil on canvas - $250.00
Hunter's Moon by Sue Lyman
acrylic on canvas - $325.00
Enchantment, lI by Sue Lyman
oil on canvas - $425.00
Banbury Cross Polo, II by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk
oil on gallery wrap canvas - $1,450.00
Canter study by Sue Lyman
bronze on bronze - $4,995.00
Untamed, a self portrait by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk
oil on canvas - $1,450.00
Izzy by Sue Lyman
bronze on bronze - $4,995.00
Virginia Steeplechase at Oatlands by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk
oil on board - $2,950.00
Jockeys at Oatlands Steeplechase by Gail Dee Guirreri Maslyk
oil on board - $2,575.00
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