'The Four Offspring' by Marci Nadler
- Art Type: Painting
- Medium: oil
- Material: canvas
- Width: 24.00"
- Height: 48.00"
- Price: Unavailable
Artist Perspective: "The Four Offspring is the sort of painting that happens after prolonged exposure to a subject - after hours and hours of studied, detailed renderings which allow one to become so familiar with form and structure that those aspects become a “known" during the act of painting, and no longer have to be learned or discovered. This frees one up to tap into the emotional and instinctual, as the intellectual has already been established. What remains to be discovered are the rhythms of the lines and forms, and the interactions of the colors as they are applied. While painting, I go back and forth between looking and responding to line, shape and color, depending on what I am reacting to at the moment. Each paint stroke or drawn line is a mindfully present, in-the-moment decision, a visual dance."
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Art by this artistContact Web Site: www.marciamnadler.comPrint a Card
Click the link below to produce a card with information about this art. Please use a modern browser such as Firefox to print your own card on The Four Offspring. Format is for a vertical 4" x 6" photo paper. Please use shrink to fit and no margins. Print Preview will help you make sure your print will be as expected.
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Print Card for The Four Offspring